Moxa is a plant based herb called Artemesia or Mugwort and is frequently used as an adjunct therapy with acupuncture. Moxa is used in several different ways:

  1. It can emphasize the function of a particular acupuncture point like helping digestion.

  2. It can draw the body’s attention to a particular area in the case of an injury.

  3. It can increase your white blood cell count, which enhances your immune function and is great to prevent or treat respiratory infections.

  4. It is anti-inflammatory, so it’s perfect for allergies or other pain conditions.

  5. It is great for mental health. Chinese classics say “moxa can go where the needle cannot” and they’re talking about the smoke treating the spirit. It is especially helpful for anxiety, depression and other emotionally based problems. 

There are two types of moxa: smokey and smokeless. Both can perform the functions above, but smokeless moxa is the charcoaled version for less well ventilated spaces. You will need a candle and lighter to light the moxa, an ashtray and a small cup with two inches of uncooked rice. 

Peel off the wrapper of the moxa, light the candle and rotate it in the candle flame, and gently blow on it (away from any furniture) until the top is an even cherry red. The smokey and smokeless moxa are the same, but it can take a little longer to light the smokeless moxa since it’s more dense. You will hover about an inch over the skin and do clockwise circles over the acupuncture point or area that you want to stimulate. This should feel pleasantly warm.

Continue this until the surface maintains the heat without the moxa, usually 15-20 minutes. As ash develops on the surface, you will gently scrape off the or roll the moxa stick in the ashtray to remove the ash so the surface stays hot. Do not tap the moxa stick like a cigarette, as it is likely to break. When you’re done, grab your bowl of uncooked rice and extinguish your moxa. Leave it there for at least a few minutes to cool off and this will make it easy to light next time. 

Your practitioner will tell you where and how often to do moxa as part of your treatment, or if you can’t come to the office, book a telemedicine appointment with your practitioner, who can go over a specific treatment plan for you. Call or text our clinic mobile 541-972-2837 or book online at